var HESi18n = { applicationName: 'HEALTHTRAILS', general: { english_site_redirect: 'You are being redirected to an English website. Do you want to proceed?', view_all: 'View All', name: 'Name', delete: 'Delete', decline: 'Decline', add: 'add', added: 'added', print: 'Print', export: 'Export', save: 'Save', saving: 'saving...', saved: 'Saved', abbr_not_applicable: 'N/A', email_required_notice: 'Enter at least one email address', email_success_notice: 'Email sent successfully.' }, progress: { trail_preview_progress_text: 'Progress:', trail_preview_complete_text: 'Completed {{route_exercise_length}} {{exercise_type}}', trail_preview_partial_text: '{{recorded_exercise}} of {{route_exercise_length}} {{exercise_type}}', }, quick_stats: { hide: 'hide', show: 'show' }, record: { you_have_moved: 'You have moved {{distance}}', unable_to_save: 'Unable to save record.', you_have_moved_back: 'You have moved back {{distance}}' }, map: { distance_traveled: 'Distance traveled', edit_mode: 'Edit Mode', edit_map_visible: 'Edit Map Visible', adjust_zoom: 'Adjust Zoom Map', add_points: 'Add Points' }, destination: { details_title: 'Destination Details', details_edit_description: 'Click on text to edit or drag images to reorder. The first image will be used as a thumbnail', photos_label: 'Photos' }, distance: { label: 'Distance' }, content: { content_label: 'Content' }, auth: { login: 'Log In' }, register: { verify_modal_title: 'Eligibility', eligibility_not_found: '\'{0}\' could not be found or is already in use.', email_not_unique: '{0} is already in use.', registering: 'Registering', creating_account: 'Creating Account', nuid_not_correct: 'NUID is not in the correct format', participant_confidentiality: 'Participant Confidentiality', enter_value_notice: 'Please enter a value.' }, tip_trivia: { feedback_correct: 'You answered correctly and moved {{distance}} {{distance_label}}', feedback_incorrect: 'You answered incorrectly' }, tips: { dates_tip_test: '{{date}}\'s Tip Test' }, evaluation: { evaluation_submitted: 'Evaluation Submitted', evaluation_with_name_submitted: '{{evaluation_name}} Submitted' }, team: { team_score_tip: '<span class=\"translation_missing\">en, team, team_score_tips<\/span>', name_taken_notice: 'That name has already been taken.' }, team_membership: { sending_invitation: 'Sending invitation to {{user_name}}', no_participants_found: 'No participants were found that match your search terms.', sending_another_invite: 'Sending another invite' }, friendships: { invite_button: 'Invite', no_suggestions_notice: 'No participants were found matching that name or email. Enter an email to invite a new participant.', sending_invite: 'Sending', accepting: 'Accepting', view: 'View', hide: 'Hide', }, image_uploader: { uploading: 'Uploading', success_notice: 'Success', save_changes: 'Save Changes' }, recipe: { no_search_results: 'No recipes were found that matched your search terms.' }, posts: { characters_remaining: '{{count}} characters remaining.', report: 'report', reported_notice: 'This post has been reported.', report_confirm: 'If you report this post it will be removed from the wall. Are you sure you want to report this post?', delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', unflag: 'unflag', like: 'Like', unlike: 'unlike', follow: 'follow', unfollow: 'unfollow', person: { zero: 'No one', one: '1 person', other: '2 people' } }, challenge: { opt_out_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to opt out of this challenge?' }, info: { phone_validation_notice: 'Please enter a phone number, including area code.', sending_message: 'Sending', feedback_received: 'Your feedback was received. Thank you.' }, emails: { included: 'is already included', malformed: 'this is a malformed email' }, jquery_validate: { messages: { required: 'This field is required.', remote: 'Please fix this field.', email: 'Please enter a valid email address.', url: 'Please enter a valid URL.', date: 'Please enter a valid date.', dateISO: 'Please enter a valid date (ISO).', number: 'Please enter a valid number.', digits: 'Please enter only digits.', creditcard: 'Please enter a valid credit card number.', equalTo: 'Please enter the same value again.', accept: 'Please enter a value with a valid extension.', maxlength: 'Please enter no more than {0} characters.', minlength: 'Please enter at least {0} characters.', rangelength: 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long.', range: 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.', max: 'Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.', min: 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.', validate_emails: 'Please enter all valid email addresses', postalcode: 'Please enter a valid postal code' } }, jquery_gridify: { rows_cant_be_printed: 'We\'re sorry. Due to technical limitations, reports containing more than 1,000 rows cannot be printed.' } };